The R's of sustainability
Slide 1 HeadingLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolorClick HereSlide 2 HeadingLorem ipsum...29Sea
The double standard of plastics - Part 2
Summary of the benefits and problems associated with plastics The particular characteristics and versatility...16Sea
The double standard of plastics - Part 1
Introduction to plastics What is plastic? Plastic is considered to be the group of materials that...13Jul
Intimate (menstrual) cloth pads - Tangible benefits
Did you know that: Cloth menstrual pads can be washed and reused for approximately 5 years,...06Jul
What is upcycling?
Upcycling: Is reusing discarded objects or materials to create products that are of higher quality or that can be...13Dec
What is global warming?
Global warming is the long-term warming of the climate (temperature, precipitation, rainfall patterns,...12Dec
Introduction to composting
What is compost? Compost is organic material recycled from natural materials such as leaves and...03Dec
Some ways to make compost at home
There are many ways to make compost at home, these are just some general suggestions. Compost...19Nov